3 Reasons Why Community Support Worker College Graduates Could Be in Demand After COVID-19

Businesses are reopening, and society is slowly but surely returning to normal. Though the social isolation measures characteristic of the pandemic will eventually be lifted, some aspects will continue to make ripples in the population for a long time. 

Community Service Workers (CSWs) can help assist their communities in managing the stress, insecurity, and emotional problems that will linger after the pandemic ends. CSWs provide support, services, and encouragement to those with mental health issues, substance abuse issues, or developmental and physical disabilities, and are employed by many different social service programs, group homes, and public schools. After the COVID-19 crisis, these necessary workers may experience a surge in demand. Here are some reasons why. 

Increased Need for Those with Community Support Worker Training Due to Pandemic-Related Stress 

The pandemic and the social isolation measures that come with it are bringing high levels of stress to the population. Experts anticipate that the mental health impacts of the crisis will affect society for a long time after the outbreak is contained and we can all go back to normal. This is a traumatic event for many people, bringing with it depression, financial pressures, and the need to learn how to engage with the world in new ways. 

CSWs are needed to handle the higher stress levels of the population

Because of the pandemic’s suddenness and the speed of its progression, we haven’t had much time to process the stress it has brought. The rapid news cycle has also led many to increased engagement with media, which can lead to elevated anxiety and depression. For long afterward, the impacts of COVID-19 will be felt, and it will be more important than ever to have professionals with community support worker training.  

The Pandemic Is Worsening Previous Stresses

The COVID-19 pandemic hasn’t just created new issues. It’s also brought problems that already existed in our society to the surface. Being asked to stay at home can worsen existing mental health issues, compound anxiety, and illuminate problems within unstable relationships. 

Those with substance abuse problems are particularly affected, because they are isolated from communities and may be engaging with more chaotic substance abuse because of the disruptions to regular supply chains.  

These vulnerable populations will need the support of CSWs during and after the pandemic, but the situation also shows how important it is not to ignore them. It’s necessary to treat these issues during times of calm so that they don’t explode out during times of chaos, and this is where a professional with a community service worker diploma can be useful.  

The Coronavirus Has Exposed that Resources Don’t Match Demand 

The inability of CSWs to meet demand during the COVID-19 crisis has illuminated the serious need for more workers in this profession. CSWs are currently facing anxiety, exhaustion, and “compassion fatigue” due to the insufficient number of workers to tackle the problems in their communities. Many people are feeling isolated and uncertain due to loss of work, certainty, or loved ones, and they are overloading counselling and support services.

COVID-19 has shown that current CSWs are overwhelmed by demand

For instance, Kids Help Phone has seen an increase in demand by a whopping 350%, while the Canadian Mental Health Association has stated that their branches are also witnessing an increased call for support. These organizations anticipate that this demand will remain somewhat steady in the coming years, meaning they will need more CSWs to deal with it. 

Do you want to learn more about community support worker college

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