Get the Skills to Become an Education Assistant

Education Assistant in a classroom setting.
Education Assistants help children develop social, life, and learning skills

Education Assistant Training in as Little as 22 Weeks Online OR On Campus

Education Assistants work under the supervision of a teacher, providing additional assistance and instruction to students. They often circulate around the classroom while students are completing assignments and assist students who are struggling with their work.

  • Jul 22ndEducation Assistant: Discovery Community College - Online Education Assistants have a direct impact on the children they assist, and get to see them grow and achieve individual milestones throughout the year. The skills you learn in this program will prepare you for a successful career as an Education Assistant. Community College

Why Upskilling is Essential in Today’s Job Market

Like many Canadians, you may be concerned about the rising cost of living and the need to find ways to increase your income potential. If you’re looking to stay ahead of the curve, training to obtain new qualifications could be a great solution.

Discovery Community College is dedicated to offering convenient, supportive, and affordable career training. With a range of funding options available, there has never been a better time to invest in upskilling.   Contact us today to learn how we can help you get ahead in today’s job market.

Education Assistant

22-Week Certificate | $56,311 median annual salary*

  • Expected Job Openings in BC (2022-2032): 5,510*
  • Occupations include Education Assistant, Teacher Assistant

NOC 2021 code 43100

** visited on May 24, 2024.

Becoming a Qualified Education Assistant

If you’re looking for a rewarding and fulfilling career, look no further than a career in education assistance. At Discovery Community College, we’re proud of our history of trainee success.

If you’re interested in taking your career as an Education Assistant to the next level by being able to work with children with complex disabilities, consider our Education Assistant & Community Mental Health program.

During the Education Assistant course, you will learn:

  • Communication
  • Child Development
  • Mental Health
  • Life Span Development
  • Education/Teaching Assistant
  • And more!

Career Opportunities

This program provides you with the skills, knowledge, and attitudes required to work in an entry-level educational assistance role with children in a variety of settings. Ready-to-work graduates of Education Assistant programs are qualified to work in areas such as:

  • Public and Private Schools
  • Summer Camps
  • Child Care Centres
  • Other Learning Organizations
  • And more!

If you’re interested in working at a school district, contact our Admissions Team to learn more about the hiring requirements for your desired school district.

There has never been more funding for career training than there is right now. A variety of funding opportunities may be available to you, including WorkBC, Student Aid BC, and employment grants. An experienced Financial Aid Representative is available to answer any questions you may have, can assist with potential funding applications and help you discover the best options for your specific needs.

Is a Career as an Education Assistant Right for You? Take the Discovery Community College “Education Assistant Career Training Readiness Quiz”

This fun, online quiz takes 3 minutes to complete and you’ll get a personalized report. Identify your strengths and social style plus the training and positions you’re best suited for. Get your Education Assistant career training readiness score now >>

Community Support Worker: Education Assistant Certificate

Total:  454 hours, 22 weeks

  • Introduction to Microsoft Computer (60 hours)
  • Workshops: Standard First Aid (16 hours) & FoodSafe Level 1 (8 hours)
  • Communication (relationship building) (48 hours)
  • Child Development (28 hours)
  • Mental Health (60 hours)
  • Life Span Development (48 hours)
  • Education/Teaching Assistant (116 hours)
  • Practicum Placement (50 hours)

Education Assistant Certificate

Community Support Worker – Education Assistant Certificate Curriculum Guide

The focus of the Education Assistant Certificate is on children and youth, especially in the school setting. You will be introduced to theories of child development from birth to adolescence. You will learn techniques and skills that are needed to work with students who have mental, physical, and learning/behaviour challenges within the classroom setting.


Delivery: On campus & online with practicum placements in your local community.


Applicants must meet these requirements prior to acceptance into the program:

• Grade 12 graduation from BC secondary school or equivalent (ABE)*, or equivalent* from another school system OR be a mature applicant (must be 19 years old on the first day of class)

• If a mature applicant, then provide proof of completion of grade 10 English from a BC secondary school or equivalent* from another school system or complete one of the following assessments:

• Next generation reading minimum score 230
• Next generation writing minimum score 230

Canadian Language Benchmark Placement Test (CLB PT) within the last year
• Listening 6
• Speaking 6
• Reading 6
• Writing 6

International English Language Testing System (IELTS)

  • Academic or General test within the last two years
    • Overall band score of 5.5 with a minimum score of 5.5 in each of speaking, listening, writing, reading.

Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
• Overall score of 46-59
• Reading 8-12
• Writing 18-20
• Speaking 16-17
• Listening 7-11

Applicants must meet with a DCC official and complete the required documents.

For detailed information about equivalencies please speak with your DCC Admissions Advisor. Entrance requirements may be met with evidence of secondary and post-secondary studies at an equivalent level, and/or with successful assessment testing.

Applicants interested in working with a school district upon graduation from the Community Support Worker – Education Assistant program should note that many school districts require graduation from grade 12 for employment.

Criminal Record Checks

Discovery Community College will submit each applicant’s criminal record check (CRC) on-line to the Criminal Record Review Program (CRRP). The status of the CRC does not automatically prevent an applicant from attending this program. However, any CRC that reveals “relevant” offences may limit work experience options.

Some work experience hosts may require their own RCMP criminal record check. It is the student’s responsibility to provide this directly to the host. We recommend that students apply to the RCMP for their criminal record check at the start of their first semester. If the criminal record check reveals information that raises concerns relevant to the placement the host may decline the placement.


Some work experience hosts require that students have a negative TB skin test or chest x-ray. It is the student’s responsibility to book this test at least six weeks before their work experience. Not having this test may restrict your choice of work experience host.

You should have a negative skin test dated within six months of the work experience placement. If you had a positive skin test (10 mm of induration or greater) at your last test, then a negative chest x-ray within one year of the placement is required.

Important Note

The Community Support Worker program is not equivalent to, or recognized as, a BC Health Care Assistant program. Graduates are not eligible for registration with the BC Care Aide & Community Health Worker Registry (BC CACHWR).

Domestic Fees

Community Support Worker –
Education Assistant Certificate Fees

Application Fee: $100.00
Criminal Record Check Fee: $28.00
Tuition Fee: $8,801.13
Textbooks & Supplies: $241.89
Total: $9,184.16

International Fees

Education Assistant Certificate (International) Fees

Application Fee: $150.00
Criminal Record Check Fee: $28.00
Tuition Fee: $11,331.97
Textbooks & Supplies: $241.89
Total: $11,765.00

Practical Experience

At Discovery, we believe that you should not only complete training with theoretical knowledge, but with real experience in the industry. That’s why learners in the Education Assistant program will complete a practicum placement during their training.

Convenient Learning Options

At Discovery Community College, you don’t have to put your life on hold to start career training. We offer accessible learning including on-campus, online and blended on-campus and online learning options.

Is a Rewarding Career as an Education Assistant Right For You?

If you’re interested in learning more about Education Assistant training and exploring whether this might be the career path for you, fill out the form on this page to receive more information.

Our friendly and knowledgeable Admissions Representatives are happy to answer any questions you may have and can help with everything from courses to financial aid.

To speak with an Admissions Rep right away, give us a call at 1-877-315-5241.

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