What Students in Practical Nursing Courses Need to Know about the CLPNBC

practical nursing diploma

Since professionals in healthcare serve the public, proper regulation is needed to ensure that they operate in the public interest, procedurally and ethically. This essentially means that people can rely on getting high quality, safe, and ethical care.

The College of Licensed Practical Nurses of British Columbia (CLPNBC) is one of a number of organizations established by the provincial government of British Columbia to regulate healthcare professionals in accordance with parameters as set forth by the Health Professions Act.

As the name of the organization suggests, the CLPNBC focuses specifically on the regulation of practical nurses. Its responsibilities range from establishing standards of practice and professional ethics to maintaining a registry of Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs). To find out what you should know as an aspiring practical nurse, keep reading!

LPNs are Regulated According to the Standards Set by the CLPNBC

Designated under the Health Professions Act in 1996, today the CLPNBC is recognized as a professional regulation agency responsible for making sure licensed practical nurses are accountable to certain standards.

The standards that the organization sets reflect the values of the nursing profession, clarify what is expected of LPNs, and define the criteria used to evaluate them and measure their performance. These standards are divided into practice standards and professional standards.

Practice standards define the basic requirements for practice such as how to administer medication, maintain proper boundaries in nurse-client relationships, and make day-to-day decisions about preventing the spread of controllable diseases. The professional standards, on the other hand, define behaviors, and are as follows:

  • Responsibility and accountability
  • Competency-based practice
  • Client-focused provision of services
  • Ethical practice

These are meant to provide guidance to LPNs regarding, among other things, various ethical concerns such as how to approach a situation if you’re assigned to care for someone you know personally, or if a client gives you a gift and you are unsure if you should accept it.

practical nursing courses
The CLPNBC’s practice standards include guidelines on the administration of medication

Evaluation of LPNs to the CLPNBC’s Standards Ensures Their Continuing Competency

Once you complete your practical nursing diploma, you will be eligible to apply for your interim license, and then register to write your licensing exam. Upon passing, you will be registered as a qualified and competent licensed practical nurse according to the CLPNBC’s standards, and must continuously meet these requirements to remain registered.

Throughout your career, the CLPNBC will regularly evaluate your work to measure your performance and compare it to the expected level. This process allows the CLPNBC to ensure the quality of healthcare provided by practical nurses remains of the highest possible standard.

nurse practitioner programs
The performance of LPNs is regularly evaluated against the CLPNBC’s standards

Nurse Practitioner Programs are Designed With the CLPNBC’s Standards in Mind

The standards set out by the CLPNBC aren’t only meant to be for the use of evaluating LPNs, but also for educational institutions providing practical nursing courses. Designing their courses around these standards is how schools like Discovery Community College ensure their programs leave graduates with all of the competencies they need to successfully pass their practical nurse registration exam, and go on to provide quality, safe, and ethical care.

Educators also use the CLPNBC standards as a tool to help students understand their future professional obligations, teach them about providing competent care, develop evaluation tools, and provide performance feedback.

Are you looking for quality nurse practitioner programs?

Contact Discovery Community College to learn about our Practical Nurse Program!

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