It’s essential to the health and safety of anyone who visits a medical office that records be a hundred percent correct. Even with the help of speech recognition software, medical transcription can be a challenging task that requires medical office administrators to be precise and accurate. If you’re interested in becoming a medical office administrator, keep reading to learn the importance of this very skill and how you can do an excellent job of it.
What Is Medical Transcription?
Medical professionals often see many patients in one day, which is why they use strategies to save time. Medical transcriptions allow doctors to convert their audio statements into written records so that they don’t need to take too much time to write down information between appointments, and most importantly so that they don’t forget any important details.
As a medical office administrator, medical transcription will likely be part of your responsibility along with overseeing the supply of medical and office supplies, billing, and more. There are plenty of specific skills you can develop in order to ensure that you master this duty. Take a look at them below.

Skills for Effective Medical Transcription
So what does it take to effectively transcribe medical records? During medical office management training, you will get the opportunity to learn through practical experience. If you like to get ahead of the game, try brushing up on your typing skills. When you practice your typing, be sure to focus on both speed and accuracy, with greater emphasis on accuracy.

Remember that correct medical records are essential to protecting the safety of patients, so attention to detail is another essential skill for effective medical transcription. As a medical office manager, it’s essential that you’re able to notice spelling mistakes, run-on sentences, or incorrect information and be aware of how to correct them.
For times when you don’t immediately know how to correct an error or fill in missing information, it’s essential that you have excellent research skills. Be sure to have plenty of medical resources on hand so you can quickly access the information you need at all times. That being said, it’s always advisable to consult a medical professional when you’re not a hundred percent sure about any audio you’re working with.
Transcription Tips to Remember After Medical Office Admin Training
There are plenty of best practices to use after medical office administration training that will help you work quickly, transcribe accurately, and improve over time. For instance, be sure to pay close attention to the audio you’re transcribing. Listen to it all before you begin to type in order to be sure that you have a profound understanding of it–especially as a novice! Don’t try to get ahead of yourself and try transcribing one sentence at a time. This will help you avoid mistakes.
Finally, be sure to familiarize yourself with recurring medical terms to save time and ensure the correct spelling. In our Professional Medical and Dental Office Management Course, you’ll learn the ins and outs of medical transcription in addition to the bookkeeping, accounting, and office skills you’ll need to succeed in any medical office setting.
Eager to begin your medical office admin training?
Contact Discovery Community College for more information!