Effective teamwork is an important part of many different workplaces including long term care homes, hospitals, and other facilities. Strong teams can communicate better, are positively motivated, address each other’s weaknesses while drawing on their strengths, and are more productive.
As a nurse and healthcare professional, you can help your team to build better work relationships and grow together, using a variety of different activities that are fun and creative. Whether it’s going to a convention, in-house training, or going out for a group dinner, activities that bring members of a healthcare team together can be great for morale. Keep reading if you would like to learn more about the activities you can use to help make your team stronger during your career.
Games are a Fun Way to Get Healthcare Teams to Bond and Learn About Each Other
Playing games together as a unit could be an entertaining way for members of a healthcare team to grow closer and better understand one another. Board games and sports can be good options where everyone can also get creative and develop games that can be played within the classroom. For instance, you could suggest members of the healthcare team break into two or more groups, and engage with solving problems related to your daily work. Games such as Medical Terminology Bingo, Hangman, or Jeopardy can help students remember concepts and difficult words.
Another fun activity which can be played both in the classroom, as well as outdoors is a scavenger hunt. The team could try searching for various items or answer questions to move forward. You could also encourage your team to try an escape room, in which groups solve various clues to free themselves from a room, often tied to fun themes and scenarios.

For graduates of practical nursing training, these games will be a good way for you and other team members to assess each other’s strengths and weaknesses while working together to figure out solutions to problems by employing critical thinking skills. If you work in a large facility, suggest switching up groups frequently so that all team members have the opportunity to meet and engage with one another.
Use Volunteering to Boost Team Morale After Practical Nursing Training
Most healthcare professionals are no doubt empathetic and caring individuals, who may have chosen their careers as a means to give back to their communities. Volunteering could be an excellent way for a healthcare team to continue contributing to the towns and cities they love, while strengthening their bonds with other team members.
After completing your practical nursing education, you could suggest volunteering time providing free local care for low income families or the homeless. Your team may also wish to volunteer in palliative care facilities, hospitals, or mental health institutes, where they can assist seniors and other patients during their day to day activities. A good suggestion is for members of the team to work in pairs so that they not only bond with patients, but with each other as well.
Cooking and Picnics Are Wonderful Activities to Get Your Team to Relax and Open Up
Cooking is a fun activity to take part in, and it can be a creative way of getting a team to work together. For healthcare professionals interested in stirring up a little friendly competition, try suggesting a cook-off.
Separate members of your team into a few groups and have them prepare main courses and desserts to be judged. Teammates from different cultures can also prepare their native dishes, which is a good way for a team to learn more about each other’s backgrounds.
When the cooking is done, why not bring all of that food outdoors for a relaxing picnic in the park? Picnics are great places for team members to socialize, and if they’re comfortable enough, bring along their families too!

Are you ready to begin your career as a practical nurse?
Contact Discovery Community College to learn about our practical nursing and other training programs!